I had such a fun time with my Valentine's Day post, I decided to add a few more art pieces from my
VAST teammates. I asked each of them to tell us, "What does Valentine's Day mean to you?"
**********************************************************************************Janyce - "My BF and I have been together 11 years and Valentine's Day isn't a big deal for us. We make it a point to celebrate each other in small ways every day of the year...not just on holidays. I will probably get myself a box of chocolates, though! :0)"
Lily - 1. What does Valentine's Day mean to you? "It makes me think about love more and really cherish what I have." 2. How do you plan to celebrate Valentine's Day? "I don't celebrate Valentine's Day with my husband usually. But I use this opportunity to connect to my friends via SMS or gathering." 3. Tell me about the love of your life. "First my family. Art is the second love of my life."
Julie - "Valentine's Day to me, is really a day where you dedicate time to spend with the one you love. I don't think presents or gifts are necessary...just a day where you put everything else aside. My plan for Valentines Day? Some friends are having a belated Chinese New Years celebration, so we're going to spend it with friends! I met the love of my life 11 years ago, my freshman year at Roger Williams University. He lived 2 dorm rooms down from me and he made fun of the RA at the first hall-meeting...so I knew at that point, I would make him mine! We now live in Rhode Island with our doggie and everyday of my life, he makes me feel like it's that first day of college all over again."
Evie - "Valentine's Day reminds me that I only ever once sent a card when I was 16. It was a joyful feeling I got imagining how 'he' would react when he opened the card. It is one of the happiest celebrations in the year destined to make us all feel loved and treasured."
Jo - "To me Valentines day is a day to give (and receive) a homemade card and hand made gift to my husband of 10 years. We have a tradition of sitting down to a home cooked Italian meal, with fine Italian wine, candles, conversation and music, all in front of our roaring log fire in our Cornish seaside cottage. We like to push the boat out with a multi course meal Italian Style because we lived in Italy when we got decided to wed and we had our wedding in Tuscany with all of our Italian friends and our family flew in from the UK and Africa to join us."
Anitra - What does Valentine's Day mean to you? "Lot's and Lot's of Chocolate! When Two Hearts Blend Into One!"