Felicia Kramer is continuing her "I'd Rather be in Hawaii" series today with a wonderful article about my good friend and photographer, Dava Shepherd. She lives on Kauai in Kapaa and is a fellow member of Women Artists of Kauai. One of my favorite photos from Dava is pictured above,
"God Always Leaves a Window Open" and can be purchased at her Etsy Shop:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/treasuresfromhawaii . This photo is from the (green) Wai'oli Hui'ia Church, in Hanalei which many people remember passing on their way to the "end of the road" on the North Shore of Kauai.
To read more about this amazing artist click here:
http://feliciakramer.blogspot.com/2010/02/id-rather-be-in-hawaii-with-dava.htmlAloha and Have a Warm and Beautiful Day,