This past weekend I was honored to be teaching "Painting Kauai's Exotic Orchids" at the Hanapepe Orchid and Art Festival. This is a photo from Friday's class that took place at Amy Lauren's Gallery.

This artist said that she normally does oil painting and that this is her FIRST watercolor. I think she did a beautiful job on this one!

Another gorgeous start to a beautiful orchid painting!

A lovely orchid painted by a young lady who just turned 13 years old! Happy Birthday!

Now this was the most unique and imaginative painting! This eight year old student painted the top painting, and then she decided she wanted to put her orchid in a pot. So she drew out and did the bottom painting to connect the two all from her own imagination!

Here's where the class was held.

After the class I took a walk around to see the "Orchid Show".

Then I took a stroll around Hanapepe Town to visit the art galleries there.

They even had a classic car show.

Here's the painting I worked on during my second class on Saturday.

Another beautiful piece by one of my students.

Here's a glimpse of Hanapepe and the famous Banana Patch Studio.
www.kauaiartclasses.blogspot.comI hope you've enjoyed this pictorial about our little orchid festival!