Schar Freeman and I both live on this beautiful island of Kauai and are both active artists, yet we actually first "met" each other on Etsy.com, a site that sells handmade items worldwide. Next we both found ourselves a part of Etsy's Visual Artists Street Team (VAST) and often chatted on their discussion board. Well, one day we decided to meet in person. I went looking for her in Hanapepe, but it was her day off from her regular job. So, I left her a note. About a week later Schar dropped by my Waimea studio, and WOW, we were fast friends! The time passed quickly as we spent the next four hours discussing our art, lives, and our spiritual paths that landed us on the island of Kauai.
I learned that Schar is not only a fantastic and brilliant artist, but that she is also an art instructor! I quickly asked her if she would like to teach a class at my studio, and she said that she was just looking for a place to teach her "ART FOR CHANGE" Workshop. I was thrilled!
ART for CHANGE Principles of living your creative life conceptions by artist Schar Freeman
This fun class introduces two exciting exercises and the FUN-damentals of portrait drawing. It is for anyone who wishes to change perspectives with jobs, careers, or relationships. It is also for anyone with interest to draw and paint. No previous art experience is needed. There will be something to discover for everyone taking this class. All materials and lunch pupus provided.
Limited class size
Fee $60
Register by Sept. 30th and save 50%
to register call: 808-639-2670
Location: Painting Paradise (Marionette's art studio), 9814 Kaumuali'i Hwy Suite #6, Waimea, Kauai, HI 96765.
Schar's Bio from her Etsy site: As a child Schar wished to be an artist. Her painting began with mud and berry juice when living in the Redwood forests of Northern California. Her mother encouraged her passion with lessons at 12 yrs old were she studied with a wonderful artist who taught her to see and feel, moving from empty space into a visions held inside.
Schar studied with individuals and in the 90's became a "Ghost Painter" for an internationally popular artist. It is here that she developed her style and skills especially in oils and production. Schar's work has traveled the world and there are many collections in the USA as well as Europe. Schar's work is published 1999-2009 with WeMoon Calendars and cards receiving international appreciation.

Schar Freeman aka ScharCbear as a painter has thrived on her lush island of Kauai. The pure beauty of the aina (land) has inspired her recently to venture into landscape impressions of her island, and the people and cultures of Hawaii. Her palette is rich, pure and vibrant, her style versatile, at times whimsical and mystical. Schar paints with oil pastel, soft pastel, oil, acrylic and watercolor. Her use of color and images are representational. They are symbolic. They are personal and universal and capture an essence of spirit. Her series of American Native paintings is published internationally with Mother Tongue Ink.
Currently her work is represented through the Kauai Made program. Her work is found in galleries and collections in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana and Hawaii. Schar is also an accomplished photographer, published poet, Chef and a performing hula dancer.
A Cancer survivor, she volunteers with American Cancer Society, Relay For Life. "I relocated to this Garden Island, Kauai a decade ago after raising two incrediable sons and three husbands. A life-long dream of mine to live here and after visiting for 30 years, I made the move.""Having vision in only one eye, each and every day I am blessed that I can see and create a landscape, develope a dream or image of a dancer which moves me. I create from my heart and paint the impressions of the beauty which continues to surround me."
scharbear@yahoo.comThe paintings above are all beautiful works from Schar. From top to bottom:
Spirit of Kalalau, Moon Dancer I, Pueo Dream Transition.This workshop is going to be loads of fun!