Left: "View from Lae Nani" Right: "A Lovely Day on Kauai"
Each measures 2.5"x3.5" on watercolor paper
This blog give-a-way is to honor the Aloha Spirit! Living in Hawaii, I see and experience this Aloha Spirit almost every day. Through a smile, a helping hand, a gift of fruit from the aina, and many more, we make our lives happy and more enjoyable. Most tourists comment on why it seems that people living in Hawaii are always smiling. Well, it's because we are! The Aloha Spirit is alive and well here in the islands, but it can extend itself to the whole world (which is something we definitely need at this time).
What is the Aloha Spirit? Aloha means much more than just saying goodbye and hello. Wikipedia gives us this definition: "Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy." To me, Aloha means to show kindness, patience, and love without expecting anything in return. It is how you give of yourself to make the world a better place, to make someone feel welcomed or loved. It is to help others in need. Sometimes it is as simple as giving someone a hug to make them feel better. In return, you will feel good and the Aloha will come back to you in a way you never expected. It is a cycle. It is contagious. Show a little Aloha today!If you would like to tell us a story of Aloha in your comment that would be wonderful! Good Luck to everyone!
Mahalo Nui Loa and May Your Day be Filled With ALOHA!
I love the definition of "Aloha", Marionette! That is so lovely. And yes, your wonderful state has shown that in my visits!
I'd love to enter your give-away!
Your ACEOs are great and thanks so much for the definition of Aloha. I'd love to win those beauties.
Kae of Kae1Crafts
Aloha for me means to have a open heart. Open to giving and sharing all that I have...to receive gifts of others aloha so they can be fulfilled with the spirit of aloha! Aloha is a way of being each and every day.
malama pono,
I loved my visit to Kauai and felt the spirit of Aloha when I was there. If I ever get back, I will certainly try to look up your studio.
And Oh Yeah - I want to win these!
When we went to Kauai for our honneymoon trip (six weeks after our wedding), we went out to a little resteraunt!
There was the old man siting back in the corner and every time we looked at him he smiled at us.
We enjoyed our dinner and I had even had lilikoi (is that how you spell it?) - well for mainlanders - it's Passion Fruitt Chiffon Pie!!!!
We waited for the bill and then the waiter came and told us our dinner was paid for!!
By who???? By the smiling old man!!!
Aloha!!!! :-)
Please enter me in your contest - I'd love to own some of your art!
I love how a simple word can be filled with so much beautiful meaning. Lovely ACEOS too! I've never been to Hawaii, but one day...one day.
Your artwork is beautiful. I'd love to add some of your ACEO's to my album.
I saw you on Etsy- your watercolors are gorgeous! Please sign me up for the contest! (heatherlea@mac.com)
awesome blog and beautiful art
I want to go to Hawaii again.
Please enter me bellacosa1@msn.com
I wanted to sign again because I filled in the wrong blanks down below. lol sorry kind of goofy
wow what a great giveaway and such a touching story behind aloha!
Hi Marionette, I found your blog through Jean's last night and then today we become fellow WWAOers! So cool!
I love the meaning of aloha and have been the receiver of it many times through RAKs (random acts of kindness)from an online quilting group I belong too. They have sent me everything from a sewing machine to a food delivery via Peapod. I am now in a position to do the same for others and am very glad to do so :-)
I would love to win your beautiful ACEOs.
I love Kauai,the garden Island.It's peaceful and beatiful.I have only been there once, but I would love to go back .
I have always admired your art.You sure put the Aloha spirit into your paintings.
How pretty!
Your art looks great,
would love to enter.
my email is healaps@gmail.com
Your paintings are so beautiful and colorful, I hope I win your aceo give-away! I want to welcome you to WWAO, so glad to have you join us.
The Aloha spirit meaning is beautiful, and I hope to spread some Aloha spirit today and every day.
Please enter me in your give-away. bmthour@comcast.net
Like you, I'm also an art teacher. In each class, "my kids" will give me some wonderful creation that they've just made. I like to sit down with them and work on the same projects they are, and then give my work away before the end of class.
There's always a wonderful exchange of artwork and ideas; lots of hugs ("I love you, Miss Robin, you're my favorite teacher" ...) throughout the day. This is what aloha means to me.
I'd love to win your give-a-way!
Robin Hernandez
I love your artwork and miss the islands...Hawaii no ka oi!
Beautiful art, beautiful spirit!
great blog I would just love to win those :) erin@crazytimescandle.com is my email.
Aloha! I love your art and would love to enter the drawing! Aloha, Diana
Interesting and informative post, great contest with lovely prize! Of course I'll enter, and I'd be pleased as punch to win!
If I do, rather than leave my email here, I'd prefer you convo me through Etsy at http://www.theresaj.etsy.com.
Your work is so beautiful. I find Hawaii to be the most peaceful of places (I spend time each year in Maui) and I love to paint there. Thank-you for sharing your talents!
I have been following you through WWAO and etsy!
Carolyn Osborne
www.carolynosborne.blogspot.com www.carolynosborne.etsy.com
Wow!! They are beautiful!! Please enter me! Contact me through the contact form on my website. Have fun! :D
I've been coveting EVERYTHING in your shop for quite some time! Hubby & I lived on Oahu for 4+ years and I miss it EVERY single day!
Beautiful work!
Thanks for the glimpse of the Aloha spirit!
My husband and I just moved to Hawaii and have been so touched by everyone here - they have truly shown the spirit of Aloha as they welcomed us to their beautiful Island. And it definitely is appreciated since we moved so far away from family and friends!
As a child I saved up pocket money to buy a record of Hawaiian music. I was 7 and an aunt had given my family a record player. The Hawaiian record was in Woolworth's and although I had no experience of it, I KNEW it was wonderful. And it was. Totally otherworldly to a girl of 7 in England.
I am so pleased to have met you through Schar.
Your work is very pretty! Oh how I want to got to Hawaii!
i have always wanted to go to hawaii and actually was going to go there for our 27th anniversary this year but we didn't quite make it. maybe one day! your art is beautiful!
I would love to win some of your beautiful artwork. The coffee shop painting is great.
Aloha, Marionette. You've been tagged! See my blog...
I was tagged by my dear friend from the UK LindaButterfly
Now I am tagging you!
Now follow these points:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Check out my blog: http://scharart.blogspot.com
Have FUN!
Love your work! Reminds me of my trips to the islands.
absolutely beautiful work...my husband says aloha to everyone he sees, meets, and greets...i love it.
very beautiful word..
By far, the most enchanting vacation I have had was when I visited my relatives that lived along Makaha Beach. To see the turtles floating among the rocks and to hear the waves as I went to sleep and woke again...magic.
Aloha Marionette !
My name is Lisa, and I live on the island of Oahu. I found your paintings through Etsy and I just think your work is so beautiful.
I am a beginning artist, and my favorites to paint are tropical island scenes. Palm Trees, islands, tropicals, etc. When I get stuck or discouraged, I just go to Etsy and type in "kauaiartist" and look at your beautiful pieces. It gives me the inspiration I need to get back to trying again. I love painting more than anything, and seeing your work is such a positive influence. So a HUGE MAHALO to you for sharing your Aloha Spirit and inspiration with me, even though you may not know you are doing it. That is my story of Aloha for you!
Much Mahalo!
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