Yesterday we finally found some time in our busy schedules to take a day and GO FISHING! My hubby took me to this secret spot on the island of Kauai which is one of his all time favorite fishing and relaxing beaches. We only saw one other person all day, and he was far off in the distance collecting opihi by the rocks.

On Kauai it is pretty difficult to find "whole" seashells as they are usually smashed against the lava rocks and reef by the waves. Here is a closeup of some tiny shells that made it along with a nice piece of beach glass and an opihi shell which is quite common.

These beautiful flowers called pohuehue were found all along the beach. They remind me of morning glories.

Here's my hubby getting our fishing gear ready.

Here he is getting ready to throw his pole out over the rocks and into the reef. This is no easy task!

The first catch of the day by my hubby. This is a rock fish and he called it by it's Hawaiian name, opo kai. I tried to look this up, but couldn't find it. Maybe it's the local name for this kind of fish.

Here's a crab that's seen better days.

And, here I am finally fishing after taking lots of photos. I was trying to catch something in this small pond made by the rocks. I figured, that every time a wave came, it would bring some fish into the pond.

I was right! Another rock fish and it was a little bigger than the one my hubby caught!

Here they are in the bucket. Mine is the larger one :-)

Fishing is such hard work ;-) that I thought I would take a coconut break!

My hubby's second catch of the day was a two foot eel! Yikes! Luckily he was no longer alive when he pulled it in. I guess they can be quite aggressive and bite. Well, this one will go in the freezer, and we will use him for bait on another fishing day.

I actually caught another rock fish just before we left our beach for the day! It was even bigger than my first one! (The one on the right). This is how they looked once they were cleaned up and scaled.

Here they are pan fried crispy with a little salt and pepper! They are bony fish, but had a nice, mild and sweet taste. Very delicious. I think I'll go catch some more!
Hope you have enjoyed this "Slice of Kauai". Aloha from the Garden Island!